This is a modern 4-bedroom town house located in Kikuyu, Thogoto. The beautiful property is in a quiet serene locale, about 1km to the Southern Bypass and only 200m from the tarmac.
Located not more than 200metres from the tarmac (Kikuyu, Gikambura Road) and about 1 kilometre from the Southern bypass
located only 200 meters from Kikuyu-Gikambura Road and 21 kilometres from the CBD using the southern bypass through Ngong road or using Waiyaki way
This project consists of 19 single room houses , it is only 200 meters from the tarmac ( Thoghoto-Gikambura-Mutarakwa Road)
This House is only 200 meter away from the tarmac ( Thoghoto- Mutarakwa Road) It is located in a beautiful gated community.
These houses are only 200m from the tarmac and 21KM to CBD using Waiyaki way or Ngong Road via the Southern bypass.
These houses are only 200m from the tarmac and 21KM to CBD using Waiyaki way or Ngong Road via the Southern bypass. -The houses are sitted on 50 by 100ft plot.
Sitting on a 50 by 100ft size of land, these commercial rental houses offer a guaranteed monthly income of Kes 85,000/= when 100% full. These rental houses are just 200m from the tarmac and about 21kms to CBD