Located in Kamangu -Kikuyu 300m off tarmac (kamangu-Ngamba) road and 37km to Nairobi CBD using Waiyaki way. It is a 50*200ft in measures . It has ready and clean title deed for due diligence. Water and electricity are available for connection.
This is a prime 50* 100ft plot for sale suitable for building a home. Located 700m off tarmac. Electricity and water are available for connection. Clean and ready title deed is available for your due diligence. Price: 1.9M
-Located in Kikuyu-kamangu, 400m off tarmac, (Thogoto-Mutarakwa )this plot is strategically placed in a well developed neighborhood and very quiet environment. -Flat and rectangular in shape with well labeled beacons. -Ready title deed.
-The 50*100ft plot is suitable for building a residential home. -Located 28 km to Nairobi CBD using Waiyaki way and 8 km to Kikuyu town. -Essential amenities like schools, hospitals and churches are locally available -Ready title deed
- This prime plot has a distinctive shape of 50ft width and 200ft length viable for you to build a residential home and be left with a large space to do other developments. -Has ready title deed -Its flat, fertile soil for farming and well drained.
- The title deed is available for your due diligence. - All amenities are next to the plot including water and electricity.
50*100ft plot for sale with a nice topography located in Kamangu-kikuyu. It's flat and well drained. Has well labeled beacons and ready title deed for transfer.
Here is commercial plot for sale touching tarmac( Thogoto- Mutarakwa road),10 kilometers from KikuyuTown and 30kilometres from Nairobi CBD using the Southern bypass through Ngong road or Waiyaki way